Tagscanner 6.0.18
Tagscanner 6.0.18

tagscanner 6.0.18
  1. TAGSCANNER 6.0.18 MP4

Changed: Disc number no longer setted up to 1 for Discogs releases without separated medias.Fixed: Rare problems with scripting engine and values contained $ symbol.Fixed: In some cases program removes trailing dots from filenames.Improved: Now you can use up to 10 nested scripting functions.Updated Export scripts to avoid possible problems with non-latin texts outside placeholders.Changed: Publisher's catalog number from web results now saved to CATALOGNUMBER field instead ISRC.Fixed: Filelist not updated correctly on undoing of renaming.Fixed: Errors on creating user field containing spaces.Fixed: Filtering didn't work in some cases.Fixed: %_bitspersample% placeholder not filled correctly in Export scripts.Fixed: Renaming of files with patterns with leading backslash.


  • Improved: MusicBrainz lookups now import full set of MBIDs to better integration with media managers and also have more relevant results.
  • Fixed: User fields order change in tag editor.
  • Fixed: New fields didn't added to Vorbis tag in some cases since 6.1.0.
  • Improved: Added more choices for JPEG files types when inserting covers.
  • Improved: Now you can sort replacement rules automatically with Transformations editor.
  • Improved: Reading of rating atom from mpe4 metadata.
  • Freedb lookups switched to by default.
  • Fixed: Wrong selection of now played file when remove some files from list.
  • Fixed: Reading of ID3 chunks situated in the end of some lossless files larger than 4GB.
  • Changed: Scripting functions $greater and $longer no longer return true for equal values.
  • tagscanner 6.0.18

    Improved: Importing of titles for each media from Musicbrainz releases.Improved: Speed up reading of tags from huge files.New: Special placeholders for extended technical info from FLAC: %_flac_md5% and MPEG: %_mpeg_copyright%, %_mpeg_protectection%, %_mpeg_original%, %_mpeg_private%, %_mpeg_emphasis%.Fixed: Incorrect codepage error on some AIFF files.New: Scripting function $insert(a,b,n), $getpart(x,n,c).New: Support WebP image format for covers.Changed: Filenames no longer affected by Transformations rules on Tag generation from filename module.Fixed: Work with WAV and AIFF files larger than 2GB.Fixed: Size of covers didn't changed for WebP.Fixed: Covers didn't resized to selected format while used Import covers wizard.

    TAGSCANNER 6.0.18 MP4

    Additional detection and indication of non-native tag formats for FLAC, MP4 and WMA files.Improve visual appearance on systems with 200% and higher scaling.Changed: Play button now start playback of first selected file instead first listed.Changed: Progam now reset file selection after playback stop.Improved: Processing of field names contained hyphens.New: Special placeholder for parsing time information %_SCAN_TIME% to find potential problems with files reading.New: Now you can save your filtering patterns for list of files.Program are now check on exit if main config file is read only.Unified separators for multiple values fields.Fixed: Reading of UTF-8 encoded files on generate tag from file.Improved: Ability to quick select/unselect all imported fields in web options.Improved: Preview mode in Generate tab now sort columns according your scheme.Improved: Added %_filedate_iso% and %_filedate_create_iso% placeholders to make possible to sort filelist correctly independent of system regional settings.Updated some dialogs, removed unnecessary autocompletion.

    tagscanner 6.0.18

  • Improved: Scrolling multiline fields in tag editor with mouse wheel.
  • Improved: Support for very long filenames.
  • New: List of possible field values from selected files for Advanced editor.
  • Translation: Italian, German, Hungarian.
  • Fixed maximazing of program window on some multiscreen setups.
  • Fixed calculation of cover dimensions for OGG and OPUS.
  • Fixed creation of export files while transformations activated.
  • New placeholder %_length_msec% for track duration in milliseconds.
  • tagscanner 6.0.18

  • New program icon (thanks to Marcio de Andrade).
  • Changed: Lyrics are now saved to LYRICS instead UNSYNCEDLYRICS for APEv2 tags to improve compatibility.
  • Fixed: Rare problem with name conflict while renaming folders if only case changing.
  • Improved: On Windows10 and later program now use native border drawing.
  • Improved: Protection against corruption of malformed WAV files.
  • Improved: Support tag editig of files with very long names on network shares.
  • Improved: Increased default interface font and size of all input fields.

  • Tagscanner 6.0.18